There has been a lot of excitement in both the medical and public space of late regarding the psychological effects psychedelics have on a person’s well-being. Research has been conducted in a scientific data-based manner to show what happens to people from diverse backgrounds.

Reasons micro-dosing mushrooms help creativity squarely in the fungi’s chemical composition. It contains certain hallucinogens that create different outcomes for people based on the amount they ingest at a go or over a prolonged period.

Feelings of increased self-awareness and dopamine levels are just some of the few outcomes associated with ingesting this fungus. You must note various mushrooms deliver different results/effects.
Micro-doses contain approximately 10% of psychoactive amounts of psilocybin, and you would want just enough to help you enjoy the upside and not the adverse side effects. However, its loyalists insist that it is non-toxic.

More Flexibility Than Creativity

Lately, Silicon valley hot shots have used the magical ‘people management’ anecdote. And the popularity doesn’t stop there because it has been quoted as helping its users have less rigid thought patterns and more pliable thinking processes at work. A potentially therapeutic way for people who deal with extraneous working environments

For these reasons, micro-dosing mushrooms help creativity in more than just the euphoric way of thinking outside the box but calmly and objectively.

Cognitive Enhancement

Another reason micro-dosing mushrooms help creativity is that some physical activities may require more mental and physical exertion than others. The tenacity of some sporting activities can be daunting for a beginner, and some activities that emerge from Eastern cultures profess the use of these mushrooms to help them reach higher levels of physical prowess buy HeySero psychedelics online canada.

Whether this is scientifically proven or not, the culture that predates modern times is known for its authenticity on these sensitive and debatable topics. Here your discretion would apply.

Improved problem-solving was observed when the research was conducted on a few lucky chaps who got to explore their convergent thought patterns. After being exposed to the mushroom, some participants could devise practical solutions to problems they would otherwise struggle with.


Self-medication in all its forms is not one of the things you should practice. Only get controlled treatments so you can get a more holistic result, not for the short term but for an extended period. Furthermore, seeking a professional consult before ingesting any drug is always advisable. That way, one can take medicine depending on factors like age and weight.